
Correcting Bruxism: Protecting Your Smile While You Sleep

Bruxism, or teeth grinding, is a condition that often occurs during sleep.  It leads to tooth wear, enamel damage, and jaw pain.  Many individuals may not even be aware they grind their teeth until they experience symptoms or a dentist notices the telltale signs of wear. Correcting bruxism is essential for protecting your teeth and alleviating associated discomfort.

bruxismOne of the most effective treatments for teeth grinding is the use of a custom-fitted night guard.   A night guard provides a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth.  Night guards are designed to cushion the teeth and distribute pressure evenly.  They also prevent the grinding and clenching that can lead to tooth damage and jaw pain.

Stress management is another critical component of treating bruxism.  Stress and anxiety are common triggers for teeth grinding.  Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, exercise, or counseling can help reduce stress and, by extension, the frequency and intensity of bruxism.

In some cases, dental correction may be necessary to address premature tooth wear.  Misaligned teeth can contribute to grinding, and orthodontic treatment or dental adjustments can help align the bite and reduce bruxism episodes.

Summing it up, bruxism is a condition that, if left untreated, can lead to significant dental issues.  However, with the right interventions, including the use of night guards, stress management, and possible dental treatments, it is possible to protect your teeth and improve your oral health.  At Marysville Family Dentistry, we can treat bruxism to give you peace-of-mind and peaceful sleep.